• Vigneto "Tourgnà"
  • Piscina in pieno sole
  • Vigneto bio in Autunno
  • Immagine dal drone
  • Festa privata nel Parco
  • Colori d'Autunno
  • La terrazza panoramica
    Castello - salotto
  • L'impianto fotovoltaico
  • Cerimonia Religiosa
  • Degustazione nel Parco
  • Veduta dalla collina di fronte
  • Gioia per grandi e piccini
  • Relax sul prato
  • Panorama dalla Piscina
  • Vigneto "Surì"
  • Partenza per una Escursione in bicicletta
  • Dulcamara
  • Bardana - camera da letto
  • Festa privata nel Parco
  • La Sala Degustazioni
  • Degustazione guidata col produttore
  • Cantina di affinamento - Botti in rovere
  • il Punto Vendita
  • Stemma dei Marchesi Rovereto
  • Arcobaleno dalla Terrazza Panoramica
  • Giornata tersa d'autunno

Castle of Grillano - Wine Events Guest-house - is the winery of the Torello Rovereto family since 1935, today dedicated to the production of organic wine, hospitality and events. 

Stay up to date on our initiatives


This is the company, family-run, was born in the 30s when Giovanni bought the Castle with the historic wineries, vineyards and farmsteads. The company takes its name from the homonymous village two kilometers from Ovada, historic town of Monferrato
founded by the ancient Romans at the confluence of the rivers Orba and Stura, 34 km from Alexandria and 20 minutes from the sea of Genoa.


With the abandonment of the old factors the father of Francesco, Paolo, begins to take care of the vineyards firsthand by abandoning industrial activities undertaken by the family in Genoa. The young Francesco, world engineer, the helps occasionally during the summer holidays but in 2003 decides to follow the footprints dedicating with passion and entrepreneurial spirit, to the activity wine. Thus begins a vast work of restructuring the vineyard and accommodation of the cellars, the buildings are restored and modernized, restoring an old farmhouse, realized the guesthouse.


The next generation Filippo, director of photography and video operator, and Federica responsible for marketing and communication as young, helps and shares the great dream of the Castle of Grillano started by his great-grandparents almost a century ago.

How to reach us

By car: Highway A26 - Exit Ovada - Continue in the direction of Centro Città - Pass in front of the hospital and continue in the direction of Cremolino - after 300 meters deviation to the right towards Grillano 
LATITUDE 44.63934558051711   LONGITUDE 8.611135482788086 I



Frazione Grillano 4

15076 Ovada AL


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